dimanche 18 janvier 2009

The TO-DO List

Petit gloussement de désespoir ironique...

Before the things I want to do

Come all the things I have to do,

All the things I should have done

And all the things that should be done.

Before the things I want to do

Come all the things I wish had done,

The things I wish that I could do

And all the things I wish to do.

Among the things that should be done

Are all the things that must be done

And all the things I should have done.

Among the things I wish to do

Are all the things that I should do

And all the things that I must do.

Of all the things that I must do,

I wish to do what I should do,

But I have to do at least some

Of all the things I must get done.

I must yet do what should be done

Before the things I want to do,

For all the things I had to do

Ought to have by now been done.

The list of things that I must do

Shall never find an end

But its’ ok, since my issue

Is rather different.

Before hoping for an ending,

I can’t help wondering

Between what I want, should, or must be doing

Who will tell me where to begin ?

2 commentaires:

Unknown a dit…

c'est de toi ?

Célimène a dit…


sinon, j'aurais cité l'auteur!

Mais j'avoue être trèèès inspirée par le style de Lewis Carroll (poèmes dans Alice in Wonderland - Through the Looking Glass). J'utilise le même rythme.